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Education in West-Papua

West Papua is considered one of the most uneducated areas in the world. Relative poverty, especially in remote regions, is very high. This means that the children and adolescents have little or no future prospects.

Fact and figures

  • West-Papua has with 0.61 the lowest HDI (Human Development Index) in Indonesien - one of the lowest in the world

  • The absolute poverty rate is 27%

  • Teacher absenteeism is extremely high

  • Future prospects are very low

Child Aid Papua enables the children and youth of Raja Ampat, through customised educational programs, towards better future prospects.

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English language as a base

Tourism in Raja Ampat has grown exponentially in the last several years and offers some of the few lucrative job opportunities in the region.


In order for the locals to benefit as well, communication in English is essential. We are therefore enabling the children of Raja Ampat to learn this language.


Our English lessons are integrated into the official education system and English is therefore afforded high status.

Child Aid Papua High School

In January 2020 Child Aid Papua was afforded the official high school accreditation of Raja Ampat's education department and is therefore able to offer a recognised school leaving certificate.


The Child Aid Papua High School enables schoolchildren to undertake qualitative, in-depth training from the 7th to 12th school year. The pupils are supervised individually and trained in all subjects.


In addition to school lessons, our high school students have the opportunity to take on interesting internship positions in the region, outside the region or even abroad. We are very happy that we can cover all school levels and that we can accompany our students until they graduate from high school.


The Child Aid Papua High School offers unique opportunities for all of our graduates.

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Individual education

Completed in August 2019, the Education and Environmental Centre offers children and young people the chance to quench their thirst for knowledge - almost around the clock.


The students receive individual lessons in the subjects of mathematics, geography, logical thinking and biology as well as in reading and writing.


Twice a week, in the evening, we also offer adults from the village the opportunity to attend English lessons.

Create environmental awareness

Raja Ampat is, without doubt, one of the largest natural paradises on our planet - and that is exactly how it should stay.


Through continuous practical experience we anchor the idea of environmental protection within our students.


Various projects raise awareness among more than 2,000 children and young people regarding the importance of environmental and marine protection in Raja Ampat.

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© 2021 - Yayasan Cahaya Anak Papua (YCAP) is a registered NGO under ministry of law and human rights Republic of Indonesia Number AHU-0009116.AH.01.12.Year 2018

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